Rapid City Society for Genealogical Research, Inc.
Rapid City, South Dakota
Mount Rushmore - South Dakota
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Bell Park Cemetery
Rochford, South Dakota
Rochford, Pennington County, South Dakota
Cemetery reading by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wickenkamp, Rapid City, SD 5 August 1972
This cemetery is located in Section 14, township 2 North, Range 3 East. It is southwest of the town of Rochford about 2 miles. The cemetery is still in use and is quite large. However, we could find only 4 graves to the south of the middle road, most of the graves are to the north. We started nearest the gate and read each odd numbered row from the road to the north. There seem to be 14 rows and 11 lots in each row. (This is a comment made by the team that read the cemetery in 1972. For our purposes in 2012 we have alphabetized the entries and noted the row the readers found the grave.)
Section 14, township 2 North, Range 3 East. It is southwest of the town of Rochford about 2 miles