Rapid City Society for Genealogical Research, Inc.
Rapid City, South Dakota
Mount Rushmore - South Dakota
Serving the Rapid City, Black Hills and Western South Dakota Genealogical Community
By-Laws of the
Rapid City Society For Genealogical Research
                The name of this Society shall be the Rapid City Society for Genealogical Research.  It shall operate as a non-profit Society incorporated under the laws of the State of South Dakota.
                The object of this Society shall be to preserve and publish the history and genealogies of the families of the Black Hills of South Dakota and  to promote genealogical research and interest in Family History.
ARTICLE III.  Membership
                Section 1. Membership may be extended to any person interested in promoting the objects of the            Society and payment of annual dues.
                Section 2.  An annual dues shall be paid by each member by January 1st of each year.  Membership          shall be deemed to have elapsed if a member’s annual dues are not paid within thirty days (by January 31st).  A member will be dropped from the membership roll on February 1st, but may be immediately reinstated on payment of dues. 
                Section 3. Changes in the amount of dues may be recommended by the Board and approved by the membership at any meeting and shall take effect the following calendar year.
                Section 4. Each member is entitled to vote on any issue before the Society at any meeting where there    is a quorum.
                 Section 5. An Honorary Life Membership may be given upon recommendation of the Board of                   Directors and by a three-fourths vote at a regular Meeting of the Society.  The honorary membership may be conferred upon any member of the Society in good standing who has rendered notable service to the Society.  An honorary life member may have none of the obligations to the Society but shall be entitled to all of the privileges.
ARTICLE IV.  Officers
                Section 1.  Officers.  The officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary.
                Section 2. Duties of Officers
                                A. The President shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the
                                     Society and Board of Directors.
                                B. The President shall name all appointive Officers subject to approval of the                                                                       Board of  Directors.
                                C. The Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall preside all meetings and assume                                      the duties of the President.  The Vice President shall Chair the Program Committee.
                                D. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the regular meetings of the Society, Board                                      Meetings, and any special meetings that are called.
                                E. The Treasurer shall keep an account of money received and disbursed and report same at                                      the regular meetings and make disbursements as directed by the Board of Directors.  The
                                     Treasurer shall use the cash method of bookkeeping and the records shall be audited by                                      the Auditing Committee at the end of each term.
                Section 3. Nomination Procedure.  The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members, and at the regular meeting in September, the President will name a Nominating Chairman.  The other two members shall be selected from the floor at this same September meeting.  The Nominating Committee shall submit the name of at least one nominee for each elective office at the regular meeting in October.  Additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted.  All elective officers shall be elected at the annual meeting in November.  The newly or
re-elected officers will begin their one-year term of office in the January meeting of the following year.
                Section 4. Office Holding Limitations.  Officers shall be elected for terms of one year and may be           elected for a second terms of one year.  They may serve only two consecutive terms of one  year each in an office.  Any Officer may be removed for cause by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
                Section 5.  Vacancies.  All officers' vacancies, whether elective or appointed, will be filled by                    appointment by the President subject to approval at the next Board of Directors' meeting.  A majority vote of the Board of Directors will be required to approve the appointment.  Those thus appointed will serve until the next general election and will be eligible for election to the office for which they were appointed, or to any other office for a full term.
ARTICLE V.  Meetings
                Section 1.  Regular Meetings. There will be no fewer than nine meetings per year.  Meeting times and places will be set by the Standing Rules.
                Section 2.  Annual Meetings.  The annual meeting of the Society shall be held each November.  Time  and place will be set in the Standing Rules.
                Section 3.  Special Meetings.  Special meetings may be called by the President or by the Executive Board.  The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in a notice  distributed to the membership before the special meeting.
                Section 4.  Cancellation of Meetings.  In an emergency the President or at least three Board Members can agree to cancel a meeting.
                Section 5.  Quorum.  A quorum must be present at meetings to conduct business.  A quorum shall consist of at least nine members.  If the quorum is not met, a majority vote of those members present, will serve to conduct the business of the Society.
ARTICLE VI.  Board of Directors
                Section 1.  Composition of Board of Directors.  The officers and the committee chairpersons shall constitute the Board of Directors.  The immediate Past President shall be an advisor to the President and other officers and shall be a member of the Board of Directors.
                Section 2.  Board of Directors' Duties and Powers.  The Board of Directors shall have general                  supervision of the affairs of the Society between its business meetings, make recommendations to the Society, and perform such other duties as specified in these bylaws.
               Section 3.  Board Meetings.  There will be no less than nine Board Meetings per year.  Meetings of the    Board of Directors shall be as set in the Standing Rules.  Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or by two of the Board members.
                Section 4.  Quorum.  At any meeting of the Board of Directors a quorum will consist of at least 3  members of the Board, one of whom will be the President or Vice-President.
ARTICLE VII.  Committees
                Committees, standing or special, may be established by the Board of Directors as needed.  The chairpersons of these committees shall be appointed by the President, and the President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. 
ARTICLE VIII.  Parliamentary Authority
                The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Society may adopt.
ARTICLE IX  Amendment of Bylaws
                These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Society by a two-thirds vote, provided there is a quorum and that the amendment has been distributed to members and then submitted in writing at the immediate previous regular meeting.
By-laws first made in January 1974; Article V concerning term of office amended 17 November 1978; office of Membership Steward added 21 November 1980; Article V concerning Vacancies added 17 November 1995.; Update approved 15 March 1996.  Changes in Dues structure amended 21 February 1997, approved 21 March 1997.  Addition to Article V approved November 1999.  Change in Article IV approved November, 2009 meeting. A complete revision and update of these By-Laws approved 18 Oct., 2012 by the membership to take effect on 1 Jan. 2013.  A complete revision and update of these By-Laws approved 20 June, 2024 by the membership to take effect on July 1, 2024.